ESTS The European Society for Textual Scholarship

The European Society for Textual Scholarship provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the theory and practice of textual scholarship in Europe. It has been established in close collaboration with the Society for Textual Scholarship North America. The president of the society is João Dionísio, Centro de Linguistica da Universidade de Lisboa; the secretary is


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Page professionnelle

Est en ligne sur HAL-SHS. Berliner Intellektuelle um 1800 als Programm - Über Potential und Grenzen digitalen Edierens.

Digital Humanities am DHIP

Digital Humanities am DHIP Blog. Es muss irgendwann während des Historikertags 2016 in Hamburg gewesen sein, als ich in der Postersession für Doktoranden zum ersten Mal vom Histocamp hörte. Teilnehmende des ersten Histocamps, das 2015 in Bonn stattfand, berichteten.

Welcome Porta Historica

This Search Box Viewlet registered to WhiteBlack Plone Theme. A Network of Scholars and Institutions Editing Historical Sources. Some ideas for papers, sessions or round tables. Content Curation Content Marketing Software

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SIGALES Société internationale de génétique artistique, littéraire et scientifique

Société internationale de génétique artistique, littéraire et scientifique. Revue internationale de critique génétique. Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes. The European Society of Textual Scholarship. Les métiers du livre face au numérique.

Stephanie A. Schlitz

Two pubs on participatory editing and learning. I attended the excellent Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship. In Amsterdam during fall 2012 to discuss the MBDA project.

Textual Scholarship

Every text deserves to be well edited, even if no one is going to read it. Check out the Cats who Edit. A European initiative for digital scholarly editing infrastructure. See who visits this site and from where. Check out the Textual Blog. Last modified on February 26th. The European Society for Textual Scholarship. Will have its fourth international conference in Lithuania. For more information about the conference.

The Tree of Texts Empirical investigations into recovering text history

Empirical investigations into recovering text history.


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ESTS The European Society for Textual Scholarship


The European Society for Textual Scholarship provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the theory and practice of textual scholarship in Europe. It has been established in close collaboration with the Society for Textual Scholarship North America. The president of the society is João Dionísio, Centro de Linguistica da Universidade de Lisboa; the secretary is


The website had the following in the web site, "The European Society for Textual Scholarship." We viewed that the webpage stated " How to Become a Member." It also said " The European Society for Textual Scholarship provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the theory and practice of textual scholarship in Europe. It has been established in close collaboration with the Society for Textual Scholarship. The president of the society is João Dionísio. Centro de Linguistica da Universidade de Lisboa; the secretary is Aurélien Berra. Huygens Instituut, Den Haag."


De site biedt onder andere toegang tot edities, informatie over tools, achtergrondinformatie, praktische aanwijzingen en opinie. Direct naar de digitale edities. Raquo; Het kan altijd nog erger, maar er is hoop. Raquo; Willem Wilminks Zelfportret in brieven.

Textual Scholarship

Every text deserves to be well edited, even if no one is going to read it. Check out the Cats who Edit. A European initiative for digital scholarly editing infrastructure. See who visits this site and from where. Check out the Textual Blog. Last modified on February 26th. The European Society for Textual Scholarship. Will have its fourth international conference in Lithuania. For more information about the conference.

Society for Textual Scholarship

The Society for Textual Scholarship and Textual Cultures. The Society for Textual Scholarship and Textual Cultures. Is published twice a year.

Textual Songs

The official source for all songs converted into text. Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun BOM BOM dun dun dun dun dun dun doo dedoo doo dedoo dede doo dede doo dededoo. So check in on those days to keep up with the premier source of textual songs on the internet. Ree roo ree roo ree roo ree roo ree roo bop bada dada. Wee woo wee wee woo wee woo wee wee woo wee wee woo wee wee woo wee woo wee wee woo wee woo wee wee woo WEE WOO WEE WOO.

Textual Studies, 1500-1800

Tuesday, July 05, 2011. Friday, April 15, 2011. Exhibition Unsealed The Letters of Bess of Hardwick. In collaboration with the National Trust, Unsealed. Now also invites the general public to discover just who Bess of Hardwick was. AHRC Letters of Bess of Hardwick Project.